Brampton, ON
Valid for 1 Person
1 Premium Membership
Two-for-one rounds of golf
1 dozen Callaway golf balls
The Old Pro Driving Range has moved from Mississauga Road and Derry Road just 10 minutes north to Mississauga Road and Bovaird Drive West (Old Hwy #7) in north Brampton. The new facility includes a 1,500 square foot Pro Shop and ample parking.
For your convenience, there are 45 mats, with enclosed mat area permitting practice during inclement weather, and 200 grass tee stations. The range has 5 bent grass target greens that have been laser measured for accurate distance.
In order to redeem this experience, you must activate your Samba Days Golf experience card online at www.sambadays.com. Your one-year Premium membership card, discount certificates and golf balls will then be delivered to you 7 to 10 business days after activation of your experience card. You cannot redeem the Samba Days Golf card directly with the golf courses.
With a Premium Membership, Samba Days customers will enjoy:
20% savings on regular posted green fees and cart rentals at all participating courses across Canada and the U.S. (discount cannot be combined with another coupon or offer).
ONE 2-for-1 certificate (valid any time on weekdays and after 12 noon on weekends and holidays) redeemable at a participating Canadian course.
ONE 4-for-3 certificate (valid any time on weekdays and after 12 noon on weekends and holidays) redeemable at a participating Canadian course.
2-for-1 pricing on PrivPlay Days - 4 times per year at participating Canadian courses. On these select days, when the guest of a PrivPlay member purchases a green fee (and power cart, if applicable) at the regular posted rate for the date and time of play, the PrivPlay member's round is free.
Advanced tee time booking privileges - up to 3 days ahead of the general public.
PLUS with this Samba Days Gift Experience, you'll get a dozen Callaway HEX Warbird golf balls to kick-start your game
Activate card at www.sambadays.com/certificates/activatecertificate
Canada, ON view on map
905-832-1211 or 1-800-903-4268;